Conveyor Pulley Lagging

Polyurethane Processors have become established as a preferred supplier of hot cast premium grade conveyor pulley lagging to iron ore operations in the Pilbara region of Western Australia and other users in both Western Australia and elsewhere.

Since our first polyurethane pulley lagging in October 1985, Polyurethane Processors have never had a reported premature failure of any lagging we have applied.

Using premium grade hot cast materials, Polyurethane Processors carry out abrasive blasting, casting, post curing, machining and grooving in-house. We can machine up to 1100mm diameter. Larger diameters are machined by our approved business associates.

Pulley sizes in excess of 2.2m diameter, 10,000kg have been successfully completed.

Our personal supervision ensures fast turnaround and customer satisfaction. Our polyurethane materials are processed through a mixing and dispensing machine. Careful checking of mix ratios, temperature and curing ensure no failures or rejects.

A Material Data and Inspection Certificate is supplied with each pulley and samples retained by Polyurethane Processors for future reference.